Smoke alarms didn't save Bella's teddy.

They saved her life.

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Press their buttons to make sure they’re ready to protect you

  • 3:00

    Smoke from a house fire can kill in less than three minutes.

  • 40%

    of residential fires we attended last year did not have smoke alarms installed.

  • 4x

    You're four times more likely to survive a house fire if you have a working smoke alarm.

Smoke alarm maintenance guide

How to maintain and check your smoke alarms regularly.

Once a month

Press the test button to sound the alarm. (Use a broom handle if you can't reach the button).

Every six months

Vacuum or dust your smoke alarms to help avoid false alarms.

Every year

Check the expiry date, usually located on the bottom or side of the alarm. If there's no expiry date, it's best to replace the alarm.

If you have a 9V battery alarm, replace the battery every year. Your alarms will start to beep regularly if the battery is low.

Every 10 years

Replace all smoke alarms with new long-life photoelectric smoke alarms.

For hard-wired smoke alarms

Follow the testing and maintenance schedule provided by the installer.

Have you made your household escape plan?

Prepare to survive a house fire