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Rural home fire safety checklist

Found in: Home fire safety | Fire safety checklists

Is your home fire safe? Use our rural home fire safety checklist to quickly find anything that could be increasing your risk of fire.

Business fire safety checklist

Found in: Businesses and landlords

A quick and easy online checklist that you can use to confirm your business is meeting its fire safety obligations and minimising the risk of fire.

Planning and advice for rural businesses

Found in: Farms, rural properties and rural businesses

If you live or work on a rural property or rural business, there are specific things you should do to prepare for the possibility of a fire emergency.

Automatic Fire Alarm Service Provider – Application Checklist

Firefighting water

Found in: Businesses and landlords | Building and designing for fire safety

The provision of water is crucial for firefighting.

Rural farm & business fire safety checklist

Found in: Farms, rural properties and rural businesses

Farmers and rural businesses need to be alert to the risk of fire on their land whether it is prescribed burning (read Prescribed Burning Guide), using chainsaws, or other machinery.

Taking care of electronic devices and appliances

Found in: Home fire safety | Home fire hazards

Chances are, you've got dozens of appliances scattered around your home.

Access to the property for emergency services

Found in: Outdoor and rural fire safety | Protect your home from outdoor fires

Emergency services can only help you if they can get to you. Here are some tips to ensure that we will be able to reach you in a crisis.