Our 3-Step Escape Plan

  • First Escape Route
  • Second Escape Route
  • Meeting Place

Use this space to note any additional information about your escape plan, i.e. who will assist

Your checklist
  • Get low

    Smoke is poisonous and more deadly than flames.

    If you breathe smoke for more than a few breaths it can kill you.

  • Be fast

    A house fire can kill you in less than three minutes.

    Don't spend time trying to save possessions.

  • Close doors

    A closed door buys you time.

    It slows down the spread of fire, giving you more time to get to safety.

  • Get out - stay out!

    People have died by going back into a fire.

    Don't leave the meeting place to go back inside for any reason.

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View in English


If you have any further questions about Local Advisory Committees (LACs) contact us at LACs@fireandemergency.nz

What are Local Advisory Committees (LACs)?

Local Advisory Committees help Fire and Emergency shape its support for communities by providing a strong local perspective on what matters. The Committees:

  • engage with their communities to understand local needs, risks, issues, and opportunities
  • provide Fire and Emergency with independent strategic and community-focused advice
  • help us plan how our services are delivered in the future
  • strengthen connections between Fire and Emergency and communities
  • help to educate communities about risk reduction and emergency preparedness.

Why did Fire and Emergency establish LACs?

The Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017 (the Act) brought together urban and rural fire and emergency services into one centrally run organisation. When this reform was mandated by the Government, it wanted to ensure that local knowledge and perspectives were still captured in our planning, which is why establishing Local Advisory Committees was made a legislative requirement.

The Act requires Fire and Emergency to establish Local Advisory Committees to provide independent advice to our Board and to keep us connected to what matters to communities. LACs’ advice informs our planning and strategy, and helps us better support communities to reduce risk, prepare for and respond to emergencies, and recover quickly when they happen. LACs also help us understand the interests of local volunteer and industry brigades, such as in forestry blocks, at airports and at large manufacturing plants.

When were LACs established?

The first seven LACs were set up in June 2020. They are in Northland, Tairāwhiti, Hawke’s Bay, Marlborough, West Coast, Chatham Islands and Otago. After the first year of their operation, an evaluation was undertaken and lessons from the establishment of our first seven LACs are informing next steps for the stand up of our next LACS. Four further LACs will be set up in Waikato, Taranaki, Nelson-Tasman and Southland in 2024.  Planning is underway to establish the remaining five LACs in Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Manawatū-Whanganui, Wellington and Canterbury.  

What are some examples of work current LACs are doing?

Northland LAC members have been engaging with isolated Māori communities in Hokianga, supporting the District Team’s risk reduction work.

In Tairāwhiti, committee members have been working with iwi across the rohe to understand their needs and to strengthen our relationship.

The Hawke’s Bay LAC supported Fire and Emergency to connect with Ngāti Kahungungu, which was invaluable as we supported the iwi throughout the response to Cyclone Gabrielle and subsequent flooding across the region.

The Chatham Islands LAC has worked with our people to facilitate a Home Fire Safety Visit project on the islands, providing smoke alarms and fire safety information to at-risk communities.

The LAC in Marlborough had success with its work to promote employer support for Fire and Emergency volunteers. They have also been working with volunteer brigades in Marlborough, supporting the Volunteer Attraction Surge Project.

The West Coast LAC has supported the District Team with the development of its community risk profile, contributing local knowledge on location of resources and members’ understanding of community resilience across the Coast.

Members of the Otago LAC are working with communities in the Mount Aspiring Backcountry to help us better promote fire safety messages in the area.

How do we ensure that a range of voices are heard in a Local Advisory Committee?

Each Local Advisory Committee has developed a plan for engaging with local communities of interest, supported by our local teams and funded by Fire and Emergency. The nomination and selection processes are designed to ensure a diverse spread of members to help us better connect with important stakeholder groups across each area, including those in the rural sector.

If you are interested in being an LAC member you can register your interest here.

What are we looking for in LAC members?

Local Advisory Committees are made up of local people who represent a diverse range of community interests. We seek people who:

  • are leaders in their community, with the ability to communicate to a broad range of interest groups
  • want to use their experience to make their community safe and better prepared for emergencies
  • are well-connected and can engage with a range of networks and communities of interest to gather a wider perspective
  • have a good understanding of local risks and issues
  • have governance experience
  • are analytical and strategic thinkers.

What commitment is involved?

LACs meet quarterly and are expected to undertake community engagement throughout the year, guided by the committee’s engagement plan. LAC members receive a modest fee for time spent in meetings and on engagement activities. More detail about what is expected of LAC members can be found in the LAC Terms of Reference.

How are appointments made?

We follow a robust evaluation and appointment process, with an independent human resources advisor leading the appointment process. These candidates are interviewed by a selection panel.

The panel presents their recommendations to the Board, who make final appointment decisions.

Where nominees are not appointed in the first instance, applications are kept on file (with permission), so we can reconnect with applicants, along with others who have registered interest, for the next appointment process.

Can I register interest in becoming a member of my local LAC?

Yes, email LACs@fireandemergency.nz or fill out this form if you’re interested in being contacted when we are seeking nominations in your local area.