Our 3-Step Escape Plan

  • First Escape Route
  • Second Escape Route
  • Meeting Place

Use this space to note any additional information about your escape plan, i.e. who will assist

Your checklist
  • Get low

    Smoke is poisonous and more deadly than flames.

    If you breathe smoke for more than a few breaths it can kill you.

  • Be fast

    A house fire can kill you in less than three minutes.

    Don't spend time trying to save possessions.

  • Close doors

    A closed door buys you time.

    It slows down the spread of fire, giving you more time to get to safety.

  • Get out - stay out!

    People have died by going back into a fire.

    Don't leave the meeting place to go back inside for any reason.

Hawke's Bay Local Advisory Committee

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Hawke’s Bay Local Advisory Committee - mihi mai rā.


Read more about the members of the Hawke's Bay Local Advisory Committee.


Kate is a Central Hawke’s Bay District Councillor and a trustee on the New Zealand Farm Environment Trust and Takapau Centennial Trust. She has served with the Takapau Volunteer Fire Brigade since 2011 as a firefighter, brigade secretary, and Get FireWise programme coordinator.  

In 2019, Kate won the Rural Champion category in the NZI Rural Women Business Awards for her communications work to develop and share the stories of rural New Zealanders. She has had a lengthy involvement with NZ Young Farmers, and wrote a book celebrating the 50th anniversary of Young Farmer of the Year. 

Rizwaana Latiff

Rizwaana is Engagement Lead (Health Protectorate) and Staff Midwife, Health NZ and previously Senior Community Engagement Advisor, Statistics NZ.

She connects to many communities throughout Hawke’s Bay and has volunteered in civil defence emergencies for over ten years. She has strong links to migrant and refugee communities, Pacific communities, the rainbow community, and has a strong ability to reach in, connect with, and gain trust. Rizwaana has an inherent understanding of community engagement principles and putting these into practice across cultures.

“I am passionate about building capability and resilience across all communities and being part of the LAC is aligned with this.”

Jarrod WS

Jarrod is currently Senior Advisor Sector Engagement - Te Uru Rākau New Zealand Forest Service for Ministry of Primary Industries and works closely with members of the National Māori Forestry Assocation (Ngā Pou Ā Tāne) and other representative bodies across the motū.

Jarrod has extensive engagement experience across hapū having worked for a local PSGE and community Trusts and is an active member of the community including being current Trustee for Te Kaha rangitahi Charitable trust as well as the Taradale Community Pool Trust.

His whakapapa is to Nūhaka – Ngāti Kahungunu. He was previously Kai Whakawhanake-a-hapū for a Post Treaty Settlement Governance Entity in Hawke’s Bay assisting whānau to achieve their aspirations in employment, health and life skills, and has previously worked in the finance industry.

“I enjoy helping my community represent its members better and joining this LAC really excites me.”

Paddy Driver

Prior to retirement Paddy was District Resilience Manager for Tararua District Council which encompassed the roles of Principal Rural Fire Officer as well as Emergency Management Officer. Having set up small community groups in the Tararua District in the past, Paddy is fully aware of the issues they face during an emergency.

He has been an active member of the RSA community including as RSA District President for the Wairarapa, Hawkes Bay, East Coast District; member of the RSA Presidents Forum and Trustee of the Freemasons Rawhiti Lodge in Dannevirke.

“I am passionate about ensuring my communities are safe from fire and major emergencies.”

Gina McGrath

Gina (Ngāruahine, Ngā Puhi) is currently the Business Group Manager for Partnerships, Investment and Enablement at the Ministry for the Environment. She previously held the role of Programme Director for the Freshwater Farm Plans programme.

Prior to her time at the Ministry for the Environment, she has primarily worked in the Justice Sector. More recently, she was the Deputy Director and Acting Chief of Staff in the Office of the CE at Oranga Tamariki, before deciding to move home to the Hawkes Bay. She has also worked as the Customer Experience and Relationships Manager for Central Hawke’s Bay District Council, which covered most customer-facing activities like Animal Services, Freedom Camping, Alcohol Licensing and Environmental Health.

Gina has a background in governance and is currently an Associate Member of the Institute of Directors.

“Being more connected to my community and better intergenerational positive outcomes is what drives me daily. I am looking forward to joining the LAC and bringing my experience to support its work.”


Liz is the Welcoming Communities Coordinator for Hastings District Council, helping to make our community more welcoming and inclusive to newcomers, especial migrants, international students and former refuges.

For over 10 years Liz has been part of the Safer Napier Strategic Group, Safe Communities Hawke’s Bay Regional Group and a Board member of the Pan Pacific Safe Communities Network.

She has a wide range of working relationships with local organisations and agencies spanning settlement support, injury and crime prevention, health, housing, social development, business and emergency management.


Hine is the Director of Health Hawke’s Bay, which includes chairing the Priority Population Advisory group and has been a Community Educator for the Tairāwhiti Rural Education Activities Programme (REAP) for over 30 years.

Her governance experience spans a multitude of local, regional and national forums, including three terms as a Wairoa District Councillor, and a term as Deputy Mayor until 2022. Hine was also a Ministry of Health appointee to the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board and served as a member of the Māori Relationships and Finance and Review Committees. 

Hine has a broad outreach into the Wairoa community and a vast understanding of the regional approach to best serve rural and provincial Aotearoa, its influence on national policy, and decisions and impacts to our rohe, whenua and people.   


Brian has a background in rural firefighting and forestry, and currently works with Pan Pac Forest Products Ltd to deliver training and rural fire planning services to businesses across the Hawke’s Bay.

He previously held roles with the Bay Forests Rural Fire Authority, including appointments as a Deputy, and then Principal Rural Fire Officer. He also served as a Deputy Principal Rural Fire Officer for Fire and Emergency from 2017 to 2021. 


The map below shows the area that the Hawke's Bay LAC covers

Hawke's Bay LAC area map