Our 3-Step Escape Plan

  • First Escape Route
  • Second Escape Route
  • Meeting Place

Use this space to note any additional information about your escape plan, i.e. who will assist

Your checklist
  • Get low

    Smoke is poisonous and more deadly than flames.

    If you breathe smoke for more than a few breaths it can kill you.

  • Be fast

    A house fire can kill you in less than three minutes.

    Don't spend time trying to save possessions.

  • Close doors

    A closed door buys you time.

    It slows down the spread of fire, giving you more time to get to safety.

  • Get out - stay out!

    People have died by going back into a fire.

    Don't leave the meeting place to go back inside for any reason.

Maintain your scheme (trial evacuations and training programmes)

Building owners must maintain their approved evacuation scheme to ensure compliance and avoid penalties under the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017.

On this page

Maintain your approved evacuation scheme to ensure compliance

If you are a building owner or landlord with an approved evacuation scheme, you must ensure the evacuation scheme is maintained.

Failure to maintain an approved evacuation scheme can lead to the closure of the building under section 79(external link) of the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017 until a compliant scheme is in place. Failure to maintain an approved evacuation scheme is also an offence - failure could result in prosecution under section 76(4)(external link) of the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017.

Related steps:

Haven't created a draft scheme yet?
Step 1: Prepare your draft evacuation scheme.

Need to get a draft scheme approved?
Step 2: Apply for an evacuation scheme approval.

Looking for the legal requirements around evacuation schemes?
Regulations for evacuation schemes.

Apply for or manage your evacuation scheme

Login with RealMe

How to maintain your evacuation scheme

Once you have an approved evacuation scheme, you must ensure everything described in the scheme is maintained.

This includes carrying out either a trial evacuation or an evacuation training programme. When you are required to undertake a trial evacuation or evacuation training programme, as well as the type and frequency, will depend on your answers to questions 4.4 and 4.8.

To keep your scheme compliant, you must notify Fire and Emergency each time a trial evacuation or evacuation training programme is completed. The easiest way to do this is to login and report your trial evacuation or evacuation training programme maintenance online.

If you applied online, reminder emails are sent ahead of time for these activities. If you did not apply online, you will need to keep track of trial evacuation and evacuation training programmes due dates manually.

You are also required to notify Fire and Emergency, in writing, if certain events are to occur. These events include changes to the building’s fire detection systems, alterations of means of escape, changes to the building’s occupancy (if this materially affects the means of escape), changes to the building's purpose or activities, or if the building is no longer required to have an evacuation scheme. The full list is set out in regulation 35(external link) of the Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Fire Safety, Evacuation Procedures, and Evacuation Schemes) Regulations 2018.

For more details, see regulations for evacuation schemes.

Quick reference guide:
Maintain your approved evacuation scheme [PDF, 1.3 MB].

If you’re required to run a trial evacuation

Depending on your answer to question 4.4 in your evacuation scheme application, you may need to carry out a trial evacuation. If you are required to carry out a trial evacuation, the frequency will be indicated in your evacuation scheme.

If you applied online, you will be sent an email reminder that you're required to run a trial evacuation 10 days before your next trial evacuation is due.

If you are required to carry out a trial evacuation you need to:

  1. Undertake a trial evacuation on or before the due date
    To avoid fire appliances being dispatched to your trial evacuation in error, please advise us of your trial evacuation 15 minutes beforehand by phoning our communications centre:

    Northern Communications – 09 486 7948
    Central Communications – 04 801 0812
    Southern Communications – 03 341 0266

  2. Complete an online trial evacuation report on the result of the trial evacuation within 10 working days after your trial evacuation, or otherwise advise Fire and Emergency in writing of the result of the trial evacuation

You are also required to submit a trial evacuation report for any unplanned or unscheduled evacuations of your building; including an evacuation in response to a false alarm or an actual incident. This will defer the date for your next trial evacuation as long as you submit your evacuation report within 10 working days of the evacuation taking place.

If you’re required to run an evacuation training programme

Depending on your answer to question 4.8 in your evacuation scheme, you may need to prepare and implement an evacuation training programme that clearly demonstrates how permanent occupants of the building are capable of managing evacuation of all building occupants in the event of a fire.

If you are required to prepare and implement an evacuation training programme, you will be required to train and assess permanent occupants at intervals of not more than 6 months in relation to the relevant matters.

If you applied online, you will be sent an email reminder that you're required to notify us of your evacuation training programme maintenance.

If you are required to have an evacuation training programme, you need to:

  1. No more than 30 days after the evacuation scheme is approved, notify Fire and Emergency in writing via online notification of the evacuation training programme; and
  2. Undertake scheduled evacuation training as per your training programme; and
  3. Notify Fire and Emergency, in writing via online notification, at 6-monthly intervals, of the evacuation training programme.
  4. When notifying Fire and Emergency about the training programme undertaken, you must include the following:
    • owner contact details and building details
    • the date on which the evacuation training programme was prepared or amended
    • details of person responsible for training
    • the number of people who have completed the programme in the period since the last notification
    • whether the training was initial or refresher training
    • results of their assessments
    • summary of contents covered.

Notification of building change

If there is a change to your building, or the purposes of which some or all of it’s used, please notify Fire and Emergency by sending a Notification of Building Changes.

Your evacuation scheme will then be re-assessed against the building changes being made to ensure the building can be safely evacuated in case of an emergency.

Printable form: Notification of Building Changes [DOCX, 105 KB].

Possible outcomes:

No change required

If the evacuation scheme is still fit for purpose it remains an approved evacuation scheme for your building which you need to maintain.

Resubmit scheme with required variation(s)

If the changes required are minor, your evacuation scheme is copied and assigned a new version number (number indicator). Login to review the changes required and submit the new version of the evacuation scheme for assessment.

As part of the assessment, if any additional changes are found that are not noted in the building change notification they will be added. You may also be visited by a District Advisor if it's determined any of the changes need to be checked onsite.

Quick reference guide: Resubmit an evacuation scheme application [PDF, 522 KB].

Evacuation scheme revoked

This action is only taken after correspondence with the scheme owner if the building changes mean people would not be kept safe in the event of a fire with the current evacuation scheme, or if a building is being demolished or is no longer a relevant building.

Quick reference guide: Resubmit an evacuation scheme application [PDF, 522 KB].

Submit new application

If changes are significant enough, you may be required to submit an entirely new application.

Quick reference guide: Submit an online evacuation scheme application [PDF, 1.4 MB].


Can someone else complete the online maintenance notifications on my behalf?

No, online maintenance can only be completed when using your RealMe logon details. The scheme can be transferred to another person’s RealMe logon if needed – please contact the Regulatory Compliance Group on 0800 734 2667 or rcg@fireandemergency.nz  to discuss. Alternatively, if you are going to be away for a short time, someone else could complete manual notifications during this period.

If you have engaged an evacuation consultant to act on your behalf, they will be able to complete your maintenance activities.

Why can’t I complete maintenance for an online scheme using Online Services?

If you can’t complete your scheme maintenance online, please contact the Regulatory Compliance Group on 0800 734 2667 or rcg@fireandemergency.nz to discuss this.

I’ve sent manual notifications for an online scheme, but I keep getting reminders telling me the maintenance is overdue. What happened?

This usually means the maintenance was not entered against our records for your building. Please contact the Regulatory Compliance Group on 0800 734 2667 or rcg@fireandemergency.nz  to discuss this.

If I forget to complete the trial notification, or I hold the trial on a different date, can I still complete the trial evacuation report?

Yes. In these circumstances, when completing the trial evacuation report, please change the date to correctly reflect the actual date that the trial was completed.

What happens after an evacuation scheme has been approved?

Your approved scheme includes a requirement to complete either trial evacuations or an evacuation training programme at the frequency specified in your approved scheme (the period must not be greater than six months). To keep your scheme current and maintained you must notify Fire and Emergency within 10 working days each time this requirement has been completed.

Note: Even if you have an evacuation training programme in place, Fire and Emergency may require you to undertake a trial evacuation.

For full details please refer to our Maintain your approved evacuation scheme guide. [PDF, 1.3 MB]

What do we need to do after a trial evacuation?

If your approved evacuation scheme requires regular trial evacuations, you must provide a report to Fire and Emergency within 10 working days of the trial evacuation being carried out, with the information specified in the Regulations.

You can do this online.

If you are unable to complete your trial evacuation report online a paper form is available on the website to be printed, completed and either emailed or mailed to Fire and Emergency. 

For full details please refer to our Maintain your approved evacuation scheme guide. [PDF, 1.3 MB]

Do I need to call 111 during a trial evacuation?

Fire and Emergency recommend that the person managing the trial evacuation calls 111 as part of the trial evacuation. It is recommended that you phone your local Fire Communications Centre 10–15 minutes prior to your trial and immediately following your trial. This will help to avoid any confusion and/or unnecessary fire engine callouts, e.g. if neighbours hear your alarm and call 111 themselves.

Fire Communications Centre 

Areas covered 

Phone number 


North of the line between Mount Taranaki and East Cape 

09 486 7948 


South of the line between Mount Taranaki and East Cape 

04 801 0812 


All of the South Island 

03 341 0266 

Can we treat false alarms as trial evacuations?

Yes, evacuations conducted in response to an actual emergency or alarm of fire can be treated as trial evacuations, if Fire and Emergency receives a completed evacuation report within 10 working days of the evacuation, including the details outlined in the Regulations.

What do we need to do after a training programme is held?

If your approved evacuation scheme is maintained by a training programme, you must provide a training programme report to Fire and Emergency within 30 days of the scheme’s approval, and then at intervals as specified in your approved scheme.

If your approved scheme was applied for online, you can complete the notifications and reporting through our website. Otherwise a printable form [DOCX, 108 KB] is available. For full details please refer to our Maintain your approved evacuation scheme guide [PDF, 1.3 MB].

Can I amend or make a variation to my approved evacuation scheme?

If you wish to make a variation to an approved scheme, you are required to complete a Notification of building changes [DOCX, 105 KB] and return it to Fire and Emergency. The form will be assessed, and you will be advised if a variation to your current scheme is required or whether your scheme must be revoked, and a new scheme applied for.

Please note that you must notify Fire and Emergency in writing if one or more of the following events occur:

  • The building’s fire detection and suppression system is non-operational for a period of time.
    Note: For certified systems, you must complete the Fire Protection System Shutdown form provided to you by your fire protection system agent.
  • The means of escape from fire for the building is to be altered under section 107(external link) of the Building Act 2004.
  • Building work is to be carried out on the building under section 112(external link) or 133(external link) of the Building Act 2004, affecting the building’s means of escape from fire.
  • The building’s life is to be extended under section 116(external link) of the Building Act 2004.
  • The occupancy of the building is changing to the extent that the building’s means of escape from fire will be materially affected.
  • There are to be changes to the place or places of safety specified in the evacuation scheme.
  • There is to be a change in purpose or activities within the building.
  • The building no longer requires an evacuation scheme, e.g. the building is to be demolished or will no longer be used for a purpose under section 75(1)(external link) of the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017.
Do I need to advise Fire and Emergency New Zealand of any other changes?

Yes, if the nominated contact person for the building (whether that is the owner or another person) will be absent from New Zealand for longer than 21 consecutive days, you must notify Fire and Emergency and nominate an alternative contact person for the building during the absence. 

Send an email to rcg@fireandemergency.nz with the dates affected, the contact details of an alternative contact person based in New Zealand, and the details of the evacuation scheme(s) affected.