Our 3-Step Escape Plan

  • First Escape Route
  • Second Escape Route
  • Meeting Place

Use this space to note any additional information about your escape plan, i.e. who will assist

Your checklist
  • Get low

    Smoke is poisonous and more deadly than flames.

    If you breathe smoke for more than a few breaths it can kill you.

  • Be fast

    A house fire can kill you in less than three minutes.

    Don't spend time trying to save possessions.

  • Close doors

    A closed door buys you time.

    It slows down the spread of fire, giving you more time to get to safety.

  • Get out - stay out!

    People have died by going back into a fire.

    Don't leave the meeting place to go back inside for any reason.

Fire & Emergency New Zealand

New Twizel Fire Station resource garage brings rural and urban together

New Twizel Fire Station resource garage brings rural and urban together

The new resource garage at Twizel Fire Station means the Twizel Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade and Twizel Volunteer Fire Brigade along with Twizel St John Ambulance are now supporting and protecting their community from the same site.


The four-bay resource garage securely houses firefighting vehicles and equipment including a rural appliance, smoke chaser, command unit, heli-trailer, pump trailer, foam supplies, portable pumps and personal protective equipment.


The facility was officially opened today by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon Tracey Martin, at a ceremony held on site.


Twizel Volunteer Fire Brigade Chief Fire Officer Simon Fox says the new resource garage has meant the two brigades can provide a much stronger emergency response to Twizel and the MacKenzie District.


“We’re better able to respond to emergencies as 33 volunteer firefighters specialising in a broader range of fire and emergency skills, rather than 12 rural and 21 urban volunteer firefighters operating as separate brigades,” Simon Fox said.


“Twizel’s isolation means the nearest back-up brigade is around 30 minutes away. With the completion of this resource garage we have all our firefighting and emergency vehicles and equipment in one place, in a ready state to respond to any emergency in or near this community.”


Fire and Emergency New Zealand Chair, Paul Swain, said this new resource garage is part of Fire and Emergency New Zealand’s commitment to investing in station infrastructure.


“We’re investing to ensure all our people have the right facilities, tools, technology and support to enable them to do what they do best – protect life and property,” said Paul Swain.


Today’s opening was also attended by local iwi representative Te Wera King, MacKenzie District Mayor Graham Smith and Deputy Mayor, James Leslie, members of the local brigades, Fire and Emergency New Zealand area and regional representatives, Twizel St John Ambulance personnel, and members of the community.