Message from our Chair: Celebrating all personnel this International Firefighters’ Day
4 Haratua 2019
He aha te mea nui o te ao?
Māku e ki atu, he tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.
If I was to ask, what is the most important thing in the world?
I would respond, it is people, it is people, it is people.
Saturday 4 May is International Firefighters’ Day, when we celebrate and acknowledge the importance of our people—all our firefighters and those who support you—and your efforts to keep our communities and environment safe.
It is a day when people all over the world celebrate the great work of firefighters, and those who support them.
Here in New Zealand, Fire and Emergency NZ celebrates the skills, knowledge and expertise of more than 14,000 career, volunteer and support personnel who keep people and property safe.
We know being a firefighter is about far more than just fighting fires. International Firefighter Day is a chance to remind people that being a firefighter also means responding to a wide variety of emergencies including motor vehicle accidents, medical emergencies, severe weather events and natural disasters. Firefighters also help to reduce fires through fire safety campaigns, and help communities get back on their feet after major incidents.
For many firefighters, your important role also brings with it missed meals, sleep and family commitments. So we also acknowledge your families and friends for their support, which allows you to be available 24/7, 365 days every year.
Today, many brigades are throwing open their doors to the public and hosting Members of Parliament and Mayors. I’ll be marking the day with firefighters and support people at Richmond Fire Station in the Tasman District.
On behalf of the Board and all New Zealanders, thank you for your service to your brigades, your communities, and to Fire and Emergency NZ.
This is your day.
A photo summary of Fire and Emergency operational and incident statistics to 31 March 2019 plus a video(external link) from our National Facebook page:
If you’re marking International Firefighters’ Day by hosting an MP or Mayor, or opening your station to the public, please send photos and a brief description to asap after the event.