Emergency call 111Emergency text 111

Being a Fire and Emergency Dispatcher is a challenging but extremely rewarding career. Our Dispatchers earn respect by being the first voice the public hear when ringing 111, often in a very distressed state. We work under very tight timeframes to get the details of an incident into our computer system and turn out the necessary resources - usually in less than 90 seconds!


This is why we have such a thorough application process. We need to ensure we pick the best people for the job; it can be the difference between life and death.  

1.    To apply

Dispatcher vacancies are listed on our website. To apply, send us an email with your CV, cover letter, and a completed application form.

If there aren’t any vacancies, we are happy to take your expression of interest for future vacancies.  Please email your name, email address and contact phone number to the relevant Communications Centre. We will endeavour to contact you when a vacancy arises but please remember to keep an eye out for vacancies on our  website.

2.    Shortlisting

Once applications close, we shortlist suitable candidates and will let you know whether you have been successful with progressing to the next stage of the application process.

3.    Phone Interview

A great deal of the work we do is conducted over a telephone and radio, so we need to make sure you can communicate clearly and confidently.

4.    Aptitude Testing

Dispatchers need to be able to capture information quickly and accurately, so you’ll be tested on your typing and geography skills, and your ability to communicate clearly and operate under pressure.

5.    Cognitive testing

Next, you’ll be asked to complete an online assessment called a General Cognitive Ability Test. You’ll need to answer a range of verbal, numerical, abstract and logical questions.

6.    Interviews

After cognitive testing, we will finalise the candidates who will be invited for a behavioural and situational based interview. You’ll be asked questions to help determine whether your skills and attributes are suited to working under high pressure in a dynamic environment.


Check out some tips on how to prepare for the formal interview.

7.    Final checks 

The final step of the recruitment process is getting a Police Security check, a medical assessment, and we will need to talk to two of your referees.


To save time, you can request a copy of your own police check via the Ministry of Justice before starting your application.

8.    Training

You’ll get to spend a week at our National Training Centre in Rotorua, followed by training at one of the Communications Centres.


This training includes both study and practical elements to help you develop the necessary skills and resilience needed to be a Fire and Emergency Dispatcher.