Apply for an evacuation scheme approval
Submit your draft evacuation scheme online for review and approval by Fire and Emergency New Zealand.
Use this space to note any additional information about your escape plan, i.e. who will assist
Smoke is poisonous and more deadly than flames.
If you breathe smoke for more than a few breaths it can kill you.
A house fire can kill you in less than three minutes.
Don't spend time trying to save possessions.
A closed door buys you time.
It slows down the spread of fire, giving you more time to get to safety.
People have died by going back into a fire.
Don't leave the meeting place to go back inside for any reason.
Submit your draft evacuation scheme online for review and approval by Fire and Emergency New Zealand.
On this page
During the application process you will be asked questions about your building and the evacuation process planned for the building, which is then reviewed by Fire and Emergency.
You will receive a notification when your application is approved, or will be contacted if any changes to the application are required.
Related steps:
Haven't created a draft scheme yet?
Step 1: Prepare your draft evacuation scheme.
Already have an approved evacuation scheme?
Step 3: Maintain your schemes - trial evacuations & training.
Looking for the legal requirements around evacuation schemes?
Regulations for evacuation schemes.
Check you have the following before starting your application:
View available guides and documents to help complete and maintain your evacuation scheme.
Apartments exemplar - application form [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Childcare exemplar - application form [PDF, 1 MB]
Church exemplar - application form [PDF, 1 MB]
Marae exemplar - application form [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Marquee exemplar - application form [PDF, 1 MB]
Medical Centre exemplar - application form [PDF, 1008 KB]
Motel exemplar - application form [PDF, 1.1 MB]
Multi-use exemplar - application form [PDF, 1.2 MB]
Office Building exemplar - application form [PDF, 240 KB]
Rest Home exemplar - application form [PDF, 1.3 MB]
Completing and submitting an online evacuation scheme [PDF, 1.4 MB]
Evacuation Scheme application reference guide [PDF, 708 KB]
Work with evacuation scheme application templates [PDF, 841 KB]
Classifications and thresholds for hazardous substances [PDF, 184 KB]
Maintain your approved evacuation scheme [PDF, 1.3 MB]
Evacuation scheme applications are assessed by Fire and Emergency based on compliance with the regulations, suitability of the procedures proposed and whether the scheme is fit for purpose in the event of a fire.
Assessments are completed within 20 working days, and once approved you'll receive an email and guidance on maintaining your approved evacuation scheme.
Once your application has been submitted, Fire and Emergency will review it. Depending on the outcome, you may need to make changes or provide further information.
If the assessment has anything missing, you will receive an email advising that your application is incomplete or not approved with your assessment letter attached. The assessment letter will reference which questions have missing information or require clarification and will provide guidance to help you complete the application.
If you've submitted your evacuation scheme application, you can log in to withdraw your application while the application is still in process (eg, if you have realised that your building does not require an evacuation scheme). Please note, withdrawing the application will delete the application from your profile.
Fire and Emergency may ask to visit your building if it's new, if you have a place of safety located inside the building or to confirm the proposed procedure listed in the application for the evacuation scheme will function in a manner that enables a safe prompt and efficient evacuation of the building. During this visit we may discuss other fire safety topics.
You will be notified by email and/or phone call if a building visit is required, and this will be arranged by agreement with Fire and Emergency.
The building owner can either apply themselves or nominate another person (a contact person) to complete the application on their behalf.
An application must be submitted within the 30 working day period before: a new building is first lawfully occupied; or an existing building becomes a relevant building under section 75(external link) of the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017.
The easiest way is to apply online.
Applying online has several advantages and makes your scheme easier to maintain and monitor on an ongoing basis. You will need to log on using RealMe before you can apply online. Go to the RealMe website(external link) to find out more.
Alternatively, you can complete a form and either email or post it to Fire and Emergency New Zealand.
For a form to be sent to you for completion please contact the Regulatory Compliance Group on 0800 734 2667
There are a range of quick reference guides and example application documents to help you get started. You are welcome to use our example documents as the basis for your own application. However, please ensure that all details are updated to correctly reflect your own building.
There are also independent evacuation consultants nationwide who can be hired to develop and implement your evacuation scheme. Fire and Emergency recommend evacuation consultants who are certified by the Fire Protection Association of New Zealand(external link) (FPA New Zealand); a directory of certified evacuation consultants is available from their website.
If you need approved evacuation schemes for similar buildings (e.g. a chain of retail stores, or multiple buildings on one site) here are a few tips that may help to make it easier.
It may be best to phone the Regulatory Compliance Group on 0800 734 2667 to confirm how your applications will be structured before submitting any applications. For example, it may be that you can combine two or more buildings into one application, or that not all of your buildings are required to have an approved evacuation scheme.
Fire and Emergency have 20 working days from receiving the application to make a decision on it. The decision may not necessarily be to approve the application.
We may contact you if any minor details need to be clarified first. If further information is required, or if a trial evacuation of the building is to be carried out and observed by Fire and Emergency, the period we have to make a decision may be extended once by up to 10 working days to allow this.
If the application isn’t approved, we will notify you in writing. You will need to amend your proposed scheme and reapply for approval within 20 working days after you receive our notice. Once you have amended and resubmitted your application, we have 20 working days from receiving the resubmission to make a decision.
Yes, however, this can never be guaranteed as there are a number of factors that could affect the processing and decision times for each application.
To request faster processing of your application, please submit your application and then email to explain the reasons for your request. If you have submitted your application online, please provide your application reference number that starts with EV, or TS if the application is for a Temporary Structure. For example, EV-123456-01 or TS-123456-01
This is usually only necessary if your building will be using ‘places of safety inside’. However, we may visit some buildings to ensure we have a clear understanding of the procedures that have been submitted to us for approval.
No, there is no charge to apply for an evacuation scheme.
Prepare a draft evacuation scheme to be provided to your building’s occupants before submitting your application for approval online.
Prepare a draft evacuation scheme to be provided to your building’s occupants before submitting your application for approval online.
All legally binding fire safety regulations for building owners in relation to creating, applying for, and maintaining an evacuation scheme.