Our 3-Step Escape Plan

  • First Escape Route
  • Second Escape Route
  • Meeting Place

Use this space to note any additional information about your escape plan, i.e. who will assist

Your checklist
  • Get low

    Smoke is poisonous and more deadly than flames.

    If you breathe smoke for more than a few breaths it can kill you.

  • Be fast

    A house fire can kill you in less than three minutes.

    Don't spend time trying to save possessions.

  • Close doors

    A closed door buys you time.

    It slows down the spread of fire, giving you more time to get to safety.

  • Get out - stay out!

    People have died by going back into a fire.

    Don't leave the meeting place to go back inside for any reason.

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The challenge

The risk and impact of wildfire is increasing in Aotearoa New Zealand due to climate change, but also how and where we are living.. The frequency of wildfires and number of significant wildfires are on the rise in Aotearoa New Zealand – with many happening in the shoulder months rather than the typical higher risk summer period. 

Large wildfires like the 2017 Port Hills, 2019 Tasman, 2020 Lake Ōhau, 2021/2022 Waiharara fires are occurring every 1-2 years, resulting in significant impact and losses. In addition, many of these significant wildfires are happening in the shoulder months rather than the typical summer period.

Approx. 3% of wildfires
cause 95% of the area burnt

97% of wildfires are
caused by people in New Zealand


The approach

Our ‘Spot the Signs, Stop Wildfire’ campaign encourages the public, especially land managers and domestic tourists, to learn how to spot potential fire danger. 

FNZ Wildfire Mower AoP

Universally understood as a system for highlighting dangers and threats, the ‘signage’ visual technique is already well-used in Fire and Emergency’s public communications such as the current wildfire danger half-grapefruit signs across the motu and other fire safety campaigns. The campaign has been tested with our key audiences – farmers and lifestyle block owners - and will be continuously tracked via Fire and Emergency’s quarterly tracker to understand the effect it’s having on audience attitudes and behaviours. 

The campaign features a series of images showing risky actions with a set of physical signs pointing to the risk. The current messages focus on risk around mowing, vehicles in dry grass and use of gas cookers. These activities / fire types are relevant all season - even in a prohibited fire season. These creative executions will be run on truck backs, outdoor billboards, and street posters, plus TVNZ ad-on-pause, social media, print and across national radio (there are four ads playing).The use of signs has also been introduced across our digital programmatic advertising that triggers based on the current Fire Season and when the local Fire Danger level is High, Very High or Extreme. Here, we have brought in specific messaging related to lighting fires and extinguishing of burn piles that will only be triggered where Districts are in Open or Restricted Fire Season, and another set of messages that will trigger where areas are in Prohibited Fire Season. Below is an example of our advertisements that will appear on digital outdoor billboards:

VeryHighFireDanger ProgDOOH Example

Social media

We encourage you to help spread our message further by re-sharing or posting our Facebook content on your district channels.

Wildfire - Gas cooker Meta 1x1 JPG Wildfire - Gas cooker Meta 9x16 JPG

Download Gas cooker Meta 1x1 [JPG, 1.3 MB]

Download Gas cooker Meta 9x16 [JPG, 2.1 MB]

Wildfire - Mower Meta 1x1 JPG

Wildfire - Mower Meta 9x16 JPG

Download Mower Meta 1x1 [JPG, 1.4 MB]

Download Mower Meta 9x16 [JPG, 2.3 MB]

Wildfire - Ute Meta 1x1 JPG

Wildfire - Ute Meta 9x16 JPG

Download Ute Meta 1x1 [JPG, 1.5 MB]

Download Ute Meta 9x16 [JPG, 2.3 MB]

Key messages:

  • Avoid using machinery in hot, dry and/or windy weather or when the Fire Danger is Very High or Extreme.
  • Avoid using any vehicles off road or near dry vegetation in hot, dry and/or windy weather or when the Fire Danger is Very High or Extreme.
  • Always set up your gas cooker on a stable surface and will away from anything flammable – like long dry grass.
  • Spot the signs, stop wildfire.
  • Know the risks and always check the local fire danger at checkitsalright.nz(external link)


The budget for the ‘Wildfire Readiness and Prevention’ campaign, live from October 2024 to May 2025, is approximately $736k. This includes both the production and media costs. As some of our channels are dynamic and will only deliver ads in specific locations when the fire danger is high, very high and extreme, the actual spend of the campaign will not be known until campaign end.