Our 3-Step Escape Plan

  • First Escape Route
  • Second Escape Route
  • Meeting Place

Use this space to note any additional information about your escape plan, i.e. who will assist

Your checklist
  • Get low

    Smoke is poisonous and more deadly than flames.

    If you breathe smoke for more than a few breaths it can kill you.

  • Be fast

    A house fire can kill you in less than three minutes.

    Don't spend time trying to save possessions.

  • Close doors

    A closed door buys you time.

    It slows down the spread of fire, giving you more time to get to safety.

  • Get out - stay out!

    People have died by going back into a fire.

    Don't leave the meeting place to go back inside for any reason.

Fire & Emergency New Zealand

Fire permits suspended for Te Tai Tokerau Northland this week

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Fire permits suspended for Te Tai Tokerau Northland this week

Fire and Emergency New Zealand has suspended fire permits issued to applicants in the Northland District as of 11am this morning.

This decision will be reviewed on Sunday 19 January.

Northland District Manager Wipari Henwood says this is because the area has had significantly less than expected rainfall and hot, dry conditions over the last couple of months.

“Due to drought conditions in Te Tai Tokerau, we now have extreme fire risk in the area,” he says.

“Added to that, higher wind speeds with lower relative humidity will precede the wet weather front forecast for this weekend. 

“The wildfire in Whangārei over the last week shows what it looks like when a fire gets going in these conditions.

“We now consider that the risk of fire in Northland is too high to allow any kind of fire activity, so permits already issued to people in Northland are now suspended until further notice.

“We have taken this step to keep people and property safe, and to protect our environment.” 

For more information about protecting your home and family from fire please go to: checkitsalright.nz.