Our 3-Step Escape Plan

  • First Escape Route
  • Second Escape Route
  • Meeting Place

Use this space to note any additional information about your escape plan, i.e. who will assist

Your checklist
  • Get low

    Smoke is poisonous and more deadly than flames.

    If you breathe smoke for more than a few breaths it can kill you.

  • Be fast

    A house fire can kill you in less than three minutes.

    Don't spend time trying to save possessions.

  • Close doors

    A closed door buys you time.

    It slows down the spread of fire, giving you more time to get to safety.

  • Get out - stay out!

    People have died by going back into a fire.

    Don't leave the meeting place to go back inside for any reason.

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View in English

Taheke vegetation fire

Fire and Emergency New Zealand is responding to a vegetation fire at Taheke, which began at around 12.45pm this afternoon.

There are six trucks, one tanker, and three helicopters attending, with another helicopter on standby.

Northland District Commander Wipari Henwood says the fire is 10ha in size, and fire crews are protecting one structure which is threatened by the fire.

“We’re asking people to stay away from the Horeke Road area so our crews can work to contain the fire,” he says.

“If you see smoke, please move away from it, and any affected properties should shut their doors and windows.”

All fire permits are currently suspended in Northland until Sunday 19 January, which means no outdoor fires are allowed.

“The fire danger is increasing in Northland, so please take extreme care with anything that could cause a fire.”